Uukumwe has established a seal processing factory in Luderitz to be able to process the pelts, the meat, the blubber as well as other by products. The factory is located in the Nautilus industrial area in Luderitz. Luderitz is a harbor town situated in the south western coast of Namibia. The economic activities of the town are dominated by the fishing industry as well as mineral and offshore mining. The factory has the capacity to process 40 000 seals per season, July to November, to produce skins, oil, animal feed and organs. According to the company mission, the goal is to bring the market added value to the product coming from all the parts of the seal animal.

The objectives of the company are:

  • To develop quality products for both local and international markets.
  • Future expansion of the product line
  • Generate a return to the shareholders and investors of the company.


The Seal Factory was inaugurated on the 18th August 2017 by Honorable. Bernhardt Esau, Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources.

Seal Processing Factory in Luderitz

enabling the processing of pelts, meat, blubber and other by-products.